July 24, 2024

Mobile Apps Terms You Know As You Build, Launch, And Grow Your App

mobile app terms

Guess what? You launched an app…

…and now you’re sprinting through a maze of app dev and marketing acronyms.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Check out this glossary of mobile app terms to help you build, launch, and grow like a pro.

Table of Contents


  1. SDK (Software Development Kit)
    • Definition: A set of tools and libraries for creating applications on specific platforms.
    • Importance: Essential for building and integrating app functionalities.
  2. API (Application Programming Interface)
    • Definition: Protocols and tools for building and interacting with software applications.
    • Importance: Enables different software systems to communicate.
  3. IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
    • Definition: Software providing comprehensive facilities to programmers for software development.
    • Importance: Enhances productivity with tools for writing, testing, and debugging code.
  4. CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment)
    • Definition: Practices of automating the integration and deployment of code changes.
    • Importance: Improves code quality and speeds up development cycles.
  5. MVC (Model-View-Controller)
    • Definition: A software design pattern for implementing user interfaces.
    • Importance: Separates internal representations of information from how it is presented.
  6. PWA (Progressive Web App)
    • Definition: Web applications that load like regular web pages but offer additional functionality.
    • Importance: Provides app-like experiences with web technologies.
  7. REST (Representational State Transfer)
    • Definition: An architectural style for designing networked applications.
    • Importance: Simplifies web services development with stateless communication.
  8. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
    • Definition: A lightweight data-interchange format.
    • Importance: Easy to read and write for humans, and easy to parse for machines.
  9. XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
    • Definition: A markup language for encoding documents in a format readable by humans and machines.
    • Importance: Widely used for data representation and transfer.


  1. ASO (App Store Optimization)
    • Definition: Optimizing mobile apps to rank higher in app store search results.
    • Importance: Proper optimization of your App Store listings increases the chances of users finding and downloading your app through search and browsing.
  2. CPI (Cost Per Install)
    • Definition: The amount paid by advertisers for each app installation.
    • Importance: Key metric for evaluating user acquisition costs.
  3. CPA (Cost Per Action)
    • Definition: The amount paid for a specified user action, such as a purchase.
    • Importance: Measures cost-effectiveness of ad campaigns.
  4. CTR (Click-Through Rate)
    • Definition: The percentage of users who click on an advertisement.
    • Importance: Measures ad effectiveness and user engagement.
  5. CTA (Call to Action)
    • Definition: A prompt that encourages users to take a specific action.
    • Importance: Drives user engagement and conversions.
  6. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
    • Definition: Improving the visibility of a website or app in search engine results.
    • Importance: Drives organic traffic and discoverability.
  7. SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
    • Definition: Marketing strategies to increase visibility in search engine results through paid advertising.
    • Importance: Enhances online presence and user acquisition.
  8. UGC (User-Generated Content)
    • Definition: Content created by users, such as reviews and social media posts.
    • Importance: Builds trust and enhances engagement.
  9. UAC (Universal App Campaigns)
    • Definition: Automated ad campaigns by Google to promote apps across platforms.
    • Importance: Simplifies app promotion and optimization.
  10. A/B Testing
    • Definition: Comparing two versions of a webpage or app to determine which performs better.
    • Importance: Optimizes user experience and conversion rates.
  11. Metadata
    • Definition: All the information you provide about your app that appears on its store listing page (title, description, keywords, screenshots, category).
    • Importance: Well-crafted metadata is key for users to find your app in searches and browsing, boosting app store discoverability.


  1. MAU (Monthly Active Users)
    • Definition: The number of unique users engaging with an app monthly.
    • Importance: Measures user retention and app usage.
  2. DAU (Daily Active Users)
    • Definition: The number of unique users engaging with an app daily.
    • Importance: Indicates daily engagement and user loyalty.
  3. ARPU (Average Revenue Per User)
    • Definition: The average revenue generated per user.
    • Importance: Measures revenue potential per user.
  4. CLV (Customer Lifetime Value)
    • Definition: Total revenue expected from a customer over their relationship with the business.
    • Importance: Helps in understanding long-term customer value.
  5. CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost)
    • Definition: The cost of acquiring a new customer.
    • Importance: Determines profitability of acquisition efforts.
  6. ROI (Return on Investment)
    • Definition: Measure of the profitability of an investment.
    • Importance: Evaluates financial success of marketing and development efforts.
  7. LTV (Lifetime Value)
    • Definition: Another term for Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).
    • Importance: Crucial for long-term business planning.
  8. KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
    • Definition: Measurable value indicating how effectively a company is achieving key objectives.
    • Importance: Tracks progress and success.
  9. CVR (Conversion Rate)
    • Definition: Percentage of users who take a desired action in your app (purchase, signup, etc.).
    • Importance: By analyzing CVR, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your app to drive user conversions.
  10. Churn Rate
    • Definition: The percentage of users who stop using an app over a specific period.
    • Importance: Indicates user retention and satisfaction.
  11. Retention Rate
    • Definition: The percentage of users who continue using an app over time.
    • Importance: Measures user loyalty and app success.

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